CHWN Organizational Partners

The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) is the national voice for academic pharmacy. AFPC represents Canada's 10 faculties/schools of pharmacy, with a focus on education, research, scholarship, advocacy, partnership and e-learning resources.

The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) represents Canada's 17 faculties of medicine and is the voice of academic medicine in this country, medical education, research, accreditation, scholarship, advocacy.

The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists's (CAMRT) areas of focus include education, training, competencies & credentials, workforce development / continuing professional education, gender equity, diversity & inclusion, quality of worklife issues / healthy work environment.

The Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) and the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives (NACM) are the organizations representing midwifery in Canada. Our vision: equitable access to excellent sexual, reproductive & newborn midwifery services for everyone.

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) advance excellence in occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is valued and accessible across Canada. Key areas of focus include innovation, transparency, diversity and collaboration.

The Canadian Association of Physician Assistants (CAPA) is the national voice for Physician Assistants. Their areas of focus include national competencies standards, advocacy, public awareness, continuing professional development, certification, maintenance of certification, exam development, accreditation, integrity of care, gender equity, diversity & inclusion, international collaboration.

The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship; accreditation; national standards of excellence for nursing education; advocacy; public policy, competencies development; continuing professional development; advancement of nursing knowledge.

The Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) is the national professional association. CASW promotes and strengthens the profession, supports its members, and advances issues of social justice.

As the national voice for Black Canadian Nurses est. July 2020, the Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA) represents Black nursing professionals and nursing students. CBNA has provincial representatives and academic affiliated clubs in nursing schools across the nation. Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Leadership, Innovation, Anti-Black Resistance, Mentorship, Empowerment, Professional Development, Research, Health Equity, Advocacy, Membership and Scholarship.

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) areas of focus is leadership, credentials, professional & leadership development, education, training, and the LEADS Framework.

The Canadian Dental Assistants Association (CDAA) is the voice for dental assistants. Their areas of focus include research; national standards of excellence for dental assisting; advocacy; public policy, competencies development; advancement of dental assisting knowledge; international collaboration; offering support and benefits to dental assisting professionals.

The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) is the national voice for dental hygiene. Their areas of focus include advocacy, public awareness, public policy, professional development, education, research, scholarship, leadership.

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) specializes in safe staffing, national universal pharmacare program, government advocacy, mental health, health care financing, safe seniors’ care, intergenerational issues in the workplace and occupational health and safety.

The Canadian Health Leadership Network (CHLNet) areas of focus include leadership, governance and regulation, academics and health disciplines, and health.

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides essential information on Canada’s health systems and the health of Canadians. We provide comparable and actionable data that is used to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across Canada.

Together, Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) members are a collective for developing and sharing knowledge, enhancing advocacy, supporting education & practice change for interprofessional collaboration that can improve patient outcomes, health system, and workforce resilience.

The Canadian Medical Association's (CMA) areas of focus include education, training, competencies & credentials, workforce development / continuing professional education, gender equity, diversity & inclusion, BIPOC equity, leadership, remuneration, funding & financing, quality of worklife issues.

The Canadian Nurses Association's (CNA) areas of focus include nursing, advocacy, leadership, certification, accreditation, membership, and policy.

The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) is the uniting national voice of pharmacy and the pharmacist profession in Canada. As pharmacists undertake an enhanced role in the delivery of health services, CPhA ensures that the profession is recognized as a national leader in health care, influencing the policies, programs, budgets and initiatives affecting the profession and the health of Canadians.

The Canadian Phlebotomy Technicians Group Inc. areas of focus include certification, credentialing, exam development, governance, program management, psychometrics, accreditation, education, competencies, continuing professional development, integrity of care, internationally educated medical graduates, gender equity, diversity & inclusion.

The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science's areas of focus include education, advocacy, certification, credentials, prior learning assessment, leadership, simulation, lab utilization, code of ethics, research, mental health and the profession.

Founded in 1998, the Canadian Society of Physician Leaders (CSPL) provides a support and development network to the growing cadre of Canadian physician managers. The CSPL seeks out opportunities and partnerships to increase members' exposure to quality professional development programs, either by promoting existing programs or developing new ones.

Children's Healthcare Canada's areas of focus include child and youth healthcare, pediatric health systems, fresh thinking, brave ideas, membership and partnership, advocacy, knowledge mobilization, and research.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is the professional organization that represents more than 42,000 members across the country. The College establishes the standards for and accredits postgraduate family medicine training in Canada's 17 medical schools. It reviews and certifies continuing professional development programs and materials that enable family physicians to meet certification and licensing requirements. The CFPC provides high-quality services, supports family medicine teaching and research, and advocates on behalf of the specialty of family medicine, family physicians, and the patients they serve.

Dietitians of Canada is the national professional association for Canadian Dietitians with a focus on advocacy, professional practice, leadership development and building a diverse and inclusive professional community.

HEAL - Organization for Health Action is a Canadian coalition of 41 national health organizations that represents a broad cross-section of health providers, health regions, institutions and facilities. HEAL represents more than 500,000 providers and consumers of health care.

HealthCareCAN advocates in support of health research and innovation; to enhance access to high-quality health services for Canadians; and we empower health professionals through our best-in-class learning programs.

Healthcare Excellence Canada (HEC) works with partners to spread innovation, build capability and catalyze policy change so that everyone in Canada has safe and high-quality healthcare. Through collaboration with patients, caregivers and people working in healthcare, we turn proven innovations into lasting improvements in all dimensions of healthcare excellence. Launched in 2021, HEC brings together the Canadian Patient Safety Institute and Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.

The Manitoba Alliance of Health Regulatory Colleges (MAHRC) is a group of 21 health regulatory colleges with the mandate — “to regulate our respective professions in the public interest.” MAHRC and its member colleges work together to enhance public protection, advance healthcare regulation, and provide direction, expertise, and leadership on health and related public policy.

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) leads the development and dissemination of innovative programs and tools to support the mental health and wellness of Canadians. Through its unique mandate from the Government of Canada, the MHCC supports federal, provincial, and territorial governments as well as organizations in the implementation of sound public policy.

N4 is a national network for the diversity of providers who assist newcomers in navigating the complex Canadian healthcare and social service systems. We provide opportunities for professional development, education, virtual discussions, networking, and the sharing of data and resources.

The Ontario Black Nurses Network's (OBNN) area of focus includes leadership, professional and leadership development, mentorship, training, equity, diversity & inclusion.

The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) serves as the voice of the province’s public hospitals, supporting them through advocacy, knowledge translation and member engagement, labour relations, and data and analytics with the goal of helping hospitals build a better health system.

The mission of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) is to advocate for and support Ontario doctors. Our vision is to be the trusted voice in transforming Ontario’s health care system. Key areas of focus include physician workforce modeling, physician burnout, and the gender pay gap.

The Ontario Physician Reporting Centre (OPRC) is the definitive source of data and information on Ontario’s physicians in practice and postgraduate medical training. Previously known as the Ontario Physician Human Resources Data Centre, OPRC is governed by the Ontario Ministry of Health, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the Council of Ontario Faculties of Medicine and the Ontario Medical Association.

With a history dating back to 2017, the Pan-Canadian Association of Nurses of African Descent (PCANAD) is a federally incorporated, grassroots not-for-profit organization serving as a collective voice for Canadian nurses of African descent (African, African Nova Scotian, Black, Afro-Caribbean, etc.) at the national level. They are committed to mobilizing, supporting, and connecting nurses of African descent across the country through their respective provincial/jurisdictional organizations. Their objectives are to advocate for the health and well-being of people of African descent in Canada and to amplify the voices of Nurses of African descent by promoting recruitment, retention, professional advancement, and representation in education, practice, administration, research, and policy.

Pediatric Chairs of Canada's areas of focus include pediatric healthcare, education, advocacy, academic leadership, pediatric workforce, research.

The Registered Massage Therapists' Association of Ontario's areas of focus include member advocacy, education, diversity and inclusion, leadership, professional and workforce development, training, accreditation, quality of work life/work environment.

Funded by Ontario Health, the Rehabilitative Care Alliance (RCA) works with partners across the province to strengthen and standardize rehabilitative care in Ontario through better planning, ongoing evaluation and quality improvement, and the integration of best practices across the care continuum.

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada's areas of focus include education, training, competencies & credentials, workforce development / continuing professional education, quality of worklife issues / healthy work environment, governance and regulation, licensure, and internationally educated health workers / professionals.

The Société Santé en français is a dynamic national organization whose objective is to promote the development of French health and social services for Francophone and Acadian minority communities in Canada. The Société is the meeting point for 16 regional, provincial and territorial networks who together to improve access to French-language health services in all provinces and territories where French is not the language of the majority of the population.

Women in Global Health Canada's area of focus includes gender and the primary care workforce.

Workforce Edge Consulting Inc.'s (WEC) areas of focus include workforce development / continuing professional education, integrated models of care, recruitment, retention / turnover, unionization & collective bargaining, quality of worklife issues / healthy work environment, governance and regulation.

World Education Services (WES) is working with organizations across the country to call for a strategy aimed at ending the persistent underutilization of Internationally Educated Healthcare Workers (IEHW). To develop and implement effective systemic strategies, all stakeholders need to be at the table. Coherent, system-wide plans that can be applied at both the pan-Canadian and provincial-territorial level can help to ensure a more equitable and effective labour force integration of IEHWs.

The University of Albany's Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWS) area of focus is workforce development/continuing professional education.

The World Health Organization's Gender Equity Hub's (Women in Global Health) areas of focus include human capital across the life-course, noncommunicable diseases prevention, mental health promotion, climate change in small island developing states, antimicrobial resistance, elimination, eradication of high-impact communicable diseases and more.