Integrated Care Models Optimizing Scope
LEAD: Gayle Halas
This theme will synthesize knowledge and provide support to scale up innovations in cross sector interprofessional models of care across settings and provinces that organize health care practice to meet patient needs and expectations; better understanding the barriers, facilitators and enablers for more effective utilization of existing and enabling where appropriate advanced scopes of practice linking these to educational requirements and training models; and better assessing the impact of such models on HWF forecasting (partnering with the modelling hub).
There are no innovations at this time.
Considerations for Planning the Composition of Primary Care Teams Based on Community Need (November, 2023)
Addressing overlapping scopes of practice and negotiating roles (July, 2023)
Putting Team Dynamics on the Table: Leadership and Power Dynamics in the Delivery of Interprofessional Care (June, 2023)
Applying the New Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative's (CIHC) Interprofessional Competency Framework (June, 2023)
There are no presentations at this time.