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CHHRN HHR Innovation Series Fireside Chat: Interprofessional Teams in the Chinook PCN

chhrn firesidecs


Interprofessional Teams in the Chinook PCN
Brief Description:
In 2012, Workforce Research and Evaluation, a department in Alberta Health Services, undertook an exploration of the factors that optimize or impede team effectiveness within Primary Care Networks (PCNs). The PCNs are partnerships and joint ventures between family physicians and Alberta Health Services with the mandate to provide comprehensive primary health care services to patients. Seven PCNs from across Alberta were recruited to explore IP team dynamics. At each PCN, we interviewed two teams, physicians (as either part of the team or individually), PCN leadership and patients to gain an understanding these factors, what was working and what areas need improvement. The Chinook PCN established in 2005, emerged as a case study for successful team based care. The Taber Clinic, one of the 24 clinics within the Chinook PCN, was also recently identified by the Council of the Federation as a model for team based care. We will discuss the factors that move IP team based care forward at this clinic and the Chinook PCN in general as well as the areas that the PCN teams, leadership, physicians and patients noted as requiring further improvement.
Dr Rob Wedel: A family physician at the Taber Clinic for 35 years, Dr Wedel is also the Medical Director for the Chinook Primary Care Network. He is faculty and Co-Chair of AlbertaAIM (Access, Improvement, Measurement), as well as Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Family Practice and Vice Chair of the Patients Medical Home Steering Committee of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. He is an Associate Clinical Professor at the Universities of Calgary and Alberta, and a Past President and Fellow of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Dr Renee Misfeldt: Senior Research and Evaluation Consultant, Workforce Research and Evaluation, Alberta Health Services. Dr Misfeldt’s research focuses on health systems and services redesign, primary health care, and workforce planning. Previously Renee worked as a private consultant where she conducted applied research including a health system profile of Nunavut and as a senior health policy researcher with Canadian Policy Research Networks. She holds a PhD on the sociology of health care governance from the University of Saskatchewan.
Who should attend:
The Fireside Chat will serve as a platform for policy makers, leaders of primary care organizations, front line providers and researchers to discuss IP teams in primary care and what can be done at different levels for their optimization.
Workforce Research and Evaluation, AHS:
Fireside Chat Webinar:                                                                                                                     


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