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Maximizing the Potential of Primary Care: Implementing and Evaluating Team-Based Primary Care in Newfoundland and Labrador

Principal Investigators: Kris Aubrey-Bassler, Amanda Hall, Darla King, Margot Antle

Newfoundland and Labrador is introducing team-based primary care (PC) to address workforce challenges, improve population health, decrease in equity and flatten the health cost curve, leading stakeholders to suggest that PC is expected to solve all current health system challenges. While these statements are made tongue-in-cheek, there is sound theoretical basis for the potential of primary care to achieve these goals, but this will only happen with careful planning. Our research team will systematically describe the mechanisms through which primary care achieves the desired outcomes, comprehensively assess barriers, and compile theory-informed approaches to overcoming those barriers. Our goal is to maximize the potential of PC in health systems everywhere.

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For more information, contact Kris Aubrey-Bassler or Amanda Hall at Memorial University's Primary Healthcare Research Unit ↓

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